How Good is a Career in the Branding and SEO industry?

I am a creative strategist, I am also an experienced SEO strategist as well as an artist. In my portfolio and my blog posts, I want to speak about the value of relevant content for my clients. It was more than 20 years ago when I started my Search Engine Optimization (SEO) career. I owned a graphic design company “Bearded PR.” The first name of the company was different, it was based on the idea of business storytelling. 


What is mine TGIF Social Media Abbreviation?

I also started studying WordPress and Squarespace and building my creative strategist portfolio. That was my plan to start building my own SEO campaign, the idea of using my network and content strategy to find a job grew when I came to the United States.  I remember that day when I started my job search for an SEO specialist, or find one of the creative strategist jobs. Usually, I planned events and interviews in NYC on Fridays, I never thought I would miss thousands of Linkedin job alerts, as well as my trips to New York would come to an end. As I remember, it was  March Friday morning, I became a Brand Strategist, in Goshen NY, at a local food store RoccoRoma. That’s probably one of the reasons why TGIF abbreviation became so memorable to me. Most of my design adventures happened on Fridays. I have never been to Friday’s US restaurant chain. Nobody told me what TGIF means. 

 I have never been to Friday’s US restaurant chain. Nobody told me what TGIF means, but that’s how Friday’s become one of the targeted keywords I use very often when I create content for myself. That’s probably why I started searching for SEO companies to show my skills in SEO content creation. Only at the end of 2021 trying to find remote job opportunities to be one of the freelancers New York SEO consultants I start my work at Gary IN

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